Status Report on California National Forests for Snowmobiles
A quick status report for where the 5 California National Forests are at in respect to their OSV (over snow vehicle) travel plan designation process:
- Plumas NF: A Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was issued on October 25, 2018, so their public comment period will end on about December 11, 2018. You can submit comments on this DEIS by clicking here: A Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Draft Record of Decision (ROD) will be issued sometime in 2020, at which time there will be a final public comment period.
- Eldorado NF: they issued a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and their Draft Record of Decision (ROD) on October 31, 2018. Their 45-day Objection Period will end on about December 16, 2018, however only groups or individuals who previously submitted comments on their DEIS or FEIS have standing / are allowed to submit an Objection letter. Details can be found: Objection letters should be submitted to: Randy Moore, Regional Forester, ATTN: ENF OSV Project, 1323 Club Drive, Vallejo, CA 94592 or Fax: 707-562-9229
- Tahoe NF: they issued a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) on April 13, 2018 which closed for public comments on May 28, 2018. There should be one more public comment period after they issue a Final EIS and Draft ROD – timeline unknown but likely not until late 2019 into 2020. Once this has been issued, we will post the information.
- Stanislaus NF: A Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was issued on August 23, 2018, so their first public comment period ended on October 9, 2018. There should be be one more public comment period after they issue a Final EIS and Draft ROD sometime in 2020. Once this has been issued, we will post the information.
- Lassen NF: A Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Draft Record of Decision (ROD) was issued on March 29, 2018. Their Objection Period closed on May 18, 2018, so this planning process is essentially completed other than how they decide to resolve the many objections which were received. They can either dismiss an objection with no changes to their decision or change/tweak their draft decision to try to satisfy objections will an amended final decision. There is no further public participation opportunity at this time.
DEISAnyone can comment
FEISAnyone can comment
Objection Period on the Draft RODGroups and individuals can only submit an Objection Letter (appeal) if they submitted comments on the DEIS or FEIS.
More information about participating in Forest Service planning processes can be found on pages 59-72 and pages 93-97 in the Access Guide which is available at